30 Aug Read the latest CEA magazine
Click here to read the National Precast section featuring our Members Asurco, Austral and Hanson....
Click here to read the National Precast section featuring our Members Asurco, Austral and Hanson....
Click here to read about Geelong Library, GE Headquarters, Indian Ocean marine research centre and Vibe apartments....
Read Sourceable article by our CEO Sarah Bachmann here...
Interested in partnering with the industry’s peak body to position your products ahead of your competitors? Would you like National Precast to get involved in your marketing? Then Industry Partner is for you! Industry Partner membership is exclusive; we only take one Partner for each product type. Industry Partner...
We are hiring! Marketing and comms full-time position available. We're looking for a gun marketing and comms person to work with our small team here in Glenelg SA. Someone who is creative and loves to write well. Someone who CAN see the wood for the trees,...
Check out page 38 onwards of the February edition of Construction Engineering Australia Magazine to read about the latest projects National Precast members are involved in. The issue includes a variety of case studies, as well as a profile on a National Precast member. Read the latest...
Check out page 36 on-wards for the latest issue of Construction Engineering Australia magazine...
The tragic deaths late last year on building sites has highlighted the importance of everyone involved in construction being vigilant about safety. For those using precast concrete, compliance with the new AS 3850 Prefabricated Concrete Elements is essential, as is use of an Erection Designer -...
National Precast is calling for the Federal Government to put a greater emphasis on encouraging the use of a higher volume of prefabricated products in construction, for the industry to improve efficiency and keep up with international trends. Read more. Read more news here. ...
According to National Precast CEO Sarah Bachmann, Industry Partner is a new category of membership available with National Precast, introduced to offer an expanded range of opportunities to industry suppliers. “Not only can industry suppliers gain access to leading industry players through their existing Industry Supplier...