
Keep up-to-date with what’s happening in the precast industry

  To assist specifiers, builders and engineers with using sandwich panels, National Precast Concrete Association Australia (NPCA) has produced a new handbook about their design, manufacture and application. Insulated precast concrete sandwich panels have been around for years, but according to NPCA, over the past decade, with...

  The National Precast Concrete Association has revised its communications strategy to better provide services to architects, builders and engineers, says the organisation’s CEO Sarah Bachmann. Read all about it in Design & Architecture here.          ...

  The Flinders Street Furniture Collection is a new addition to Quatro's GRC (glass fibre reinforced concrete) product range. Designed by acclaimed Australian designer Alex Lotersztain in collaboration with Street & Garden Furniture, the Flinders Collection was originally produced in precast concrete for the Flinders St revitalisation in Townsville. Click here to read more      ... Hollowcore Brisbane based Precast Concrete Products has delivered a sustainable flooring solution from their new state of the art hollowcore factory for Grocon's 36-storey office tower on Queen St, Brisbane. The use of hollowcore flooring has resulted in substantial benefits for the project including a less congested and safer... Ultrafloor Placing 1000m2 a day of precast flooring really helped speed the construction of the Federal Government’s Centrelink headquarters in Canberra. The $140million project was constructed by Multiplex and uses precast loadbearing wall panels, columns, beams and Ultrafloor flooring. Using precast flooring allowed a 3 day cycle...

If you thought precast concrete was just about buildings and civil structures, think again. Well designed, long lasting, durable and low maintenance landscaping products play an important role in the aesthetics and amenity of public areas. With an ever increasing trend towards increasing medium and...

Precaster Members Craig Zinn (Stresscrete), Peter Healy (Hollow Core Concrete) and Richard Lorenzin (Hanson Precast) Provisional Precaster membership is for Australian manufacturers of factory-made precast concrete products, who either wish to experience membership at a reduced cost before making a full Precaster Membership commitment and/or haven't...

ACIF (Australian Construction Industry Forum) in its latest policy paper calls for increased use of offsite manufactured products in construction. It cites the benefits as: Shorter construction times – less lost time due to inclement weather, more reliable supply of components which can be more quickly constructed, and...